Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday fan art!

Cindy and I decided that Wednesday would be the best day for fan art.  It's been happening on Wednesdays by accident anyways, and it's a nice mid-week pick-me-up.  So, here is the art for this week: a happy fluffy matzoh ball (and some vague-looking matzah)!
Isn't it so happy?

So, today was going to be paneer day, but I'm changing the schedule slightly.  Paneer takes a while to actually happen, and while it's almost entirely hands-off time, it's still something to keep an eye on.  Plus, I now have dinner plans for tomorrow, so it kinda didn't make sense to make it today and be unable to cook with it for an extra day.  Instead, I'll make it tomorrow (start it before dinner and finish when I come back home) and on Friday night, I'll make saag paneer with it.  It'll work out better that way.  Well, that, and I started biking to school yesterday, and now my body does not want me to do anything but sit. :)

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