Sunday, April 15, 2012

Link dump and (domestic) food processing

Chili powder, freshly ground
Lots of fruit!
Citrus remains
I didn't cook today, though Mu did.  He made me French toast for breakfast, yay!  Also, my friend Amanda and I went to see Jiro Dreams of Sushi (which was both a great story and amazing shots of pretty fish), so of course we had to go out for sushi afterwards. So, between those meals and eating leftovers, cooking didn't make sense.  Instead, I used the time to process some stuff that needed dealing with -- dried chilis from the CSA, an inordinate amount of grapefruits and oranges, leftover matzah from Passover, and a bunch of fruit.  We also got a tomato start from the CSA which needed to be re-potted. So, no actual cooking, but a bunch of small things that needed doing.  I ground up the chilis into a (very spicy) chili powder; made a ton (well, 11) of tupperwares with mango slices (pre-sliced from Costco), strawberries (salvaged from last week, so there are bits cut out), blackberries, and raspberries; juiced the huge amount of citrus (Mu helped a lot); and ground up the matzahs so that I can easily make matzoh ball soup over the next few months.  Oh, and we re-potted the plant and put in some water pearls.

I haven't done any menu planning today, but I'm thinking that I'll do menu Mondays from now on, since I know of a bunch of blogs that do that.  Plus, Mondays seem more likely for actually getting things done. Not sure what the theme of the week will be, since I've got lots of CSA things to use up, but I'll figure that out tomorrow.

And now, finally, have the link dump of the last 2 weeks!

Tyler Cowen's (an economist) rules for getting a good meal while out.
Pitcher of orange and grapefruit juice

A bunch of great ideas for cooking spinach.

Sushi bot!

An interesting article by Joel Salatin about how being a foodie elitist isn't a bad thing.

Apparently, home coops are the new in-thing to do.
Ground-up matzoh meal

Arsenic in our chickens? Unclear what's actually going on, but the more I read, the less I want to eat meat produced in this way.

San Francisco is trying to bring gardening and eating green to public schools!

Cute letter from a foodie dad to his toddler son about food.

A little late, but a cute idea for Passover -- Cocktails to represent things on the Seder plate.

Tomato start in new pot, complete with water pearls
 Medieval cookbook containing a recipe for cooking unicorn (note the publication date of the article...)!

A mom puts her 7 year old on a diet and another mom responds. Heavy read, but interesting.

And finally, the article I referenced last week about strategies to make dinner happen.

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