Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday tip (actually, a question)

So, as predicted, I didn't cook today.  Mu and I went out for Indian, and we even have leftovers, yay! Due to this, I don't have a huge amount to blog about.  I do have a question in place of the Tuesday Tip.

Does anyone know of a website or app that makes calorie tracking of homemade food actually easy?  I've tried several, and they're fine for brand names and eating out at chains, but don't work so well for, say, cooked veggies and olive oil and tofu.  Really, what I want is somewhere where I can type in "3 medium sweet potatoes, 3 tablespoons olive oil" and have something spit out a calorie and nutrient estimate at me.  There's gotta be something like that, right?  Help?

Oh, unrelated to cooking, but sort of another project: I've started biking to school!  This is probably a bad time to start biking, since it's very hot these days, especially in the afternoon, but there we are.  I'm about 2.5 miles from school, and it's taking me 20-30 minutes, which is very slow for biking.  I'm always getting passed by other, fitter bikers.  I'm hoping that it'll get easier as I do it more and I'll feel less miserable in time.  Right now, it's a little rewarding to know that I'm actually making an effort, but mostly not rewarding at all due to the heat and my unhappy muscles.  It gets better?


  1. Let's bike during the summer! I want to go around Lake Merced or on the Great Highway or something!

    1. Yes! I will most likely have my bike, so we should totally do that! Except I'm super slow and bad on hills, so we'll have to find flat areas. Is the area around Lake Merced flat? :)

  2. I've used the calorie counting mechanism on sparkpeople.com for real, homemade food with great success but there are many online that you don't have to sign up to use like this one: http://www.thecaloriecounter.com/
