Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Tip

I'm trying to figure out what format will work best for me and this blog, so you'll probably be seeing a variety of things as I settle in.  I promise I'll have photos with the next batch of cooking, too!  In the spirit of experimenting, I'm starting a (hopefully) weekly feature called Tuesday Tip!

A little bit of background is in order.  Neither I nor Mu are wizards.  If that phrase makes no sense, go to the link and read the post, it's rather hilarious.  For the lazy, it's a comic about how being an adult is, for some of us, a lot of effort!  Sometimes it really does feel like doing daily or even weekly chores consistently requires magic.  So, since neither of us have those magic powers, we've been trying to find ways to make all this stuff work better.  We simplify where possible, we try to get into routines, and so on.  In short, we're always trying to come up with tricks for making adult life manageable. :)  This isn't to say that we've got it all figured out. A little while ago, Mu said something like, "Well, we're getting better, maybe we're becoming wizards?" This seemed so far from the truth to me that I said, "Dude, we're so far from being wizards, you might as well have said that we're becoming elephants!"  Of course, now, elephants are a constant joke in our household. But in any case, elephant wizards or not, I figured I could share some of the things that have been working for us, and see what others have been doing.

So, with no further ado, the first Tuesday Tip!

My pink cherry lunch bag that I actually made!
This Tuesday Tip is for those of you who, like me, have a hard time getting things together in the morning.  I'm not good at getting up early enough to do anything more than get dressed, (maybe) have a very quick breakfast, and run.  This, as you may have noticed, doesn't leave time for putting together a lunch.  The normal adult response to this is to pack lunch the night before, but generally, by the time this thought occurs to me, it's after midnight and I'm in bed.  What to do?  So, what Mu and I have been trying (with success, I'm happy to say!) in the last few weeks is packing our food into single-serve portions right after cooking.  Instead of sticking the whole pot in the fridge, or transferring the meal into a gigantic tupperware, we split it into 5 or 6 (or however many) smaller tupperwares.  That way, when I'm running around in the morning, I can grab a tupperware or 2, pop it into my lunch bag along with an apple and a spoon, and be ready to go!  It does mean that  there are more tupperwares to wash, but we've figured out a good dishwashing system (next Tuesday Tip!) that makes it far easier to just do it this way.  Plus, this way, I'm sure not to have to buy lunch, which is far cheaper and probably healthier.

What do you do to make sure your lunch comes from home when you're at work or such?

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