Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday link dump and a technical question

OK, this week was better with the blogging, minus last night. I have high hopes for April!  It's unlikely that I will cook or blog on Sunday, but I will go into it in earnest come Monday. I even have time in the calendar tomorrow to menu-plan!

Technical question: When I respond to your comments on my blog, do you get an email?  And if so, how did you make that happen?  When I comment on other people's blogs, I never know if they've responded or not, and I usually forget to check!

Anyways, here are some links I've been enjoying this week.  I have some older ones to get to, as well, so there may be a longer link dump in the future, but it is not this link dump. That link dump will come?  Right.

A good idea for a light but satisfying dessert.

A cookbook that contains a recipe to turn itself into a lasagna!

Fascinating -- you can bake eggs instead of boiling them to get the hard-cooked effect!

Another egg-themed one (I guess since Easter is coming up) -- tips for freezing leftover yolks and whites.

And for Passover, a list of grain-free meal ideas.

Neat: Small study shows that when things smell stronger, we might eat less.

A list of non-alcoholic drink ideas that are still fancy.

An utterly ridiculous little video about (vegetables) eating vegetables.

Happy weekend, happy beginning of April, see you next week!


  1. I just do the thing where I check the previous blog post after I read the new blog post. You can subscribe by email, too (there's a link to click under the comment box).

    Can you edit your blogger template so that links are underlined or a different color? Right now I have to hover over every word of post to see where the link is. It's okay on the RSS reader, but on the actual blog page it is a little tricky to determine where the link is.

    1. Is the current color better for links?

      Hmmm, I think I'll probably have to sign up by email, since I mostly read in the RSS feed and forget to check!

    2. Much better! Sometimes I just read in the RSS, but sometimes I click to here directly from FB, so this is very helpful.

  2. Nope, I didn't know you'd responded -- until you posted this, and I went back and checked, and found that you had!

    1. Hehe, well, I'm glad I posted this, then!
